Btw Ms.iu, im sorry if i sounded a bit harsh in my comment in my blog. I really am. Bkn ape mase tu I mcm tgh berapi sket, sb there was this blogger who's a pain the neck. Die order mcm2 kt I bayar pn belum lg, pastu bole nk bargain2 plak. I just ignored her, no point arguing when there're still a lot more ppl interested in those stuffs. U better watch out!
(ps:email me if u wanna know who this person is. Manelah tau, takut2 nt in the future u jd mangse ke. ;)
hehehe.. xpe2.. understand2....biasalah kalo nak beli nak bargain la..nak murah xconsider orang beli benda tu pun kene duit minyak..beratur dan menunggu semuakan???xpe2...cool2.. k.. u selling to those really interested & willing to pay first jer...oki... *wink* syok bace blog orang yg giler make-up2 ni...buleh kongsi2 idea. =D
Foundation shades: 1.MAC Studio fix fluid NW40 2. Lancome Maquiliquid UV Infinite (004) 3. Chanel Mat Lumiere (Beige) 4. ZA Two Way Foundation (no 23) 5. MAC MSF (Medium Dark) 6. Bobbi Brown Oil Free even finish compact foundation (warm honey)
Skin Types/Problems: Combination, Acne-Prone(adult-acne) dark circle, fine lines(below eyes area)
Wishlist : 1. new car. 2. Nikon p90 3. new netbook. 4. make-up train in purple/pink.
Woot Benefit Eyecon! I xpna dpt the sample so far, wuuu~! Please tell us if it's good yea. ;)
HEHHEHE.. Haah.. beli perfume tu..then dpt samplee skrg tgh makai eye-cream lain..hihihih...
Aik, why did u delete this post?
Btw Ms.iu, im sorry if i sounded a bit harsh in my comment in my blog. I really am. Bkn ape mase tu I mcm tgh berapi sket, sb there was this blogger who's a pain the neck. Die order mcm2 kt I bayar pn belum lg, pastu bole nk bargain2 plak. I just ignored her, no point arguing when there're still a lot more ppl interested in those stuffs. U better watch out!
(ps:email me if u wanna know who this person is. Manelah tau, takut2 nt in the future u jd mangse ke. ;)
hehehe.. xpe2.. understand2....biasalah kalo nak beli nak bargain la..nak murah xconsider orang beli benda tu pun kene duit minyak..beratur dan menunggu semuakan???xpe2...cool2.. k.. u selling to those really interested & willing to pay first jer...oki... *wink* syok bace blog orang yg giler make-up2 ni...buleh kongsi2 idea. =D
hehe ok, I've cool down now. Yeah I learnt it the hard way. maklumla i ni newbie lg, still need tons of experience.
yea me like reading others' beauty blogs too..since I cant afford all of em, mampu tgk2 beauty stashs org len je. Huhu
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