I went to cyberjaya for the rehearsal /briefing,smart card final test, take the robe (yellow gold) , the invitation card, the car sticker & photo reg, ...so so many ppl at the grand hall area...& fit building. i had to wait for the elfin...long queue to get the robe plus the weather is damn hot that day.after settled all the important things... i went to alamanda had lunch with my family at lemongrass restaurant...after finished, we headed to Marriott Putrajaya Hotel. checked in..and lepak-lepak there for awhile....After that, we went to kak eda's house at perceint 9 putrajaya.. lepak there again till magrib... than we went for dinner near uniten. Then back to hotel terus tido.. sbb esok kene bangun awal giler.
saturday ( 9.8.2008)
wake up..at 5.30am. mandi..mandi.... had a quick breakfast....then headed to mmu. arrived there approximately 7.20am. i have to wait.. like lame giler....for queue (my number 601)...before entered the GrandHall. then...after semua duduk di tempat@no. masing2...then there was announcement for perarakan besar...sing negaraku,bacaan doa, and the annoucement of the start of the convocations. Then they showed an animation of E-bee, our mascot..(funny!everything the bee does is exactly what us students did while studying.)..then, again speech after that..load..and loads of scroll giving started. so, FOm & Foe graduates...have to wait for their turn....frankly speaking saya sangat respect dengan our Chancellor, Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah... penat kot dia bagi scroll and...lepas tu, kasi speech again!hihi... after sesi "penanguhan konvo..." so... semua org pun keluar dari hall. omg...sangat2 ramai orang k... it's hard for me to find my family. haha...then, sesi photography pun bermula.hihihi.. ;)
return the robe.... and went to ikea. i bought pink chair! i like...& red bin! haha
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